The faster, smarter way to stay informed
Skip the hassle of manually sifting through media coverage and get fast, timely answers summarizing everything you need to know.
Trusted by top brands and PR agencies
Say goodbye to Boolean logic. Ask questions in a more natural, conversational way.
Get timely, insightful answers without the hassle of searching manually.
Go deeper by asking follow-up questions.
ManagrAI offers multiple perspectives on every story from trusted news outlets, along with citations and links to every article.
Discover what influencers are saying on Bluesky, YouTube and X.
Learn more about the journalist and influencers shaping each story.
Need more than just summaries? Generate comprehensive media reports in seconds.
Generative AI specialized in PR
ManagrAI analyzes millions of news articles, top-ranking web data and trending social posts to deliver timely, relevant answers on demand.
News Outlets
Access thousands of trusted news outlets & media contacts
Social Media
Keep a pulse on social media trends and influencers
Web Search
AI-powered searching for smarter insights from the web
We value your privacy
ManagrAI does not use your data to train commercial AI models. Our policies ensure personalized and accurate results without compromising your privacy.