
Connect your favorite apps to ManagrAI

ManagrAI for Slack

Effortlessly monitor and manage media coverage, right from Slack.

Key Features:

  • Instant Media Search: Search for media clips directly in Slack channels, saving you time and keeping you informed.

  • Real-Time Alerts: Receive immediate updates and summaries from ManagrAI directly in Slack, ensuring you never miss important news.

  • AI-Driven Pitching: Get AI-generated pitching suggestions and collaborate with your team right in Slack, streamlining your media outreach.

How to Get Started:

  • Add ManagrAI to Slack:

    • Click the “Add to Slack” button in the ManagrAI integrations page found here.

  • Authorize the App:

    • Follow the prompts to authorize ManagrAI, granting it the necessary permissions to integrate with your Slack channels.

  • Start Search:

    • Use Slack Command: “managrai-search” to launch ManagrAI.

    • You can use ManagrAI to search for media clips and get personalized summaries—all within Slack.

  • Send to Slack:

    • Bring your news summaries, created content, and generated lists from the web app right into Slack.